New Regulatory Frontiers

Tuesday 7/17/2018

Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-18) was held on 9-12 July 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland under the theme “New Regulatory Frontiers”.

The Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) brings together heads of national telecom/ICT regulatory authorities from around the world and has earned a reputation as the global annual venue for regulators to share their views and experiences on the most pressing regulatory issues they have identified.

GSR-18 discussed on the digital transformation that is sweeping across sectors extending regulatory frontiers beyond ICTs and impacting on all aspects of our daily lives as consumers, businesses and citizens. Also, GSR-18 focused on the following areas:

  • Emerging technologies: preparing for AI, IoT, 5G, M2M communications to improve secure and reliable ICT infrastructure and access to and delivery of digital services.
  • Economic and business approaches: addressing market access across the value chain, fostering innovative and sustainable business and investment models across platforms, and identifying economic incentives to support digital transformation.
  • Regulatory frameworks for digital transformation: identifying new and evolving collaborative approaches, developing cross-sectoral digital policies and strategies, and defining innovative regulatory tools and sandboxes.

It should be noted that at the meeting, H. E. Mr. Hossein Fallah Joshaghani, Deputy Minister and President of Communications Regulatory Authority, along with a high-level board of regulatory participated.

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