9- Codification and proposing directives to the Commission and applying the approvals at the following cases:
a- Framework of Service Level Agreement (SLA), for clarification of quality, in balance with expenditures in postal, telecommunications and IT networks.
b- Domain names, numbering and codes in postal, telecommunications and IT networks.
c- Protecting the customer rights in the field of postal and telecommunications services and continuous supervision over their sound operation.
d- Codification and proposing necessary directives in order to adjust the relations among postal, telecommunications and information technology service providers.
e- Offering proposals on the amendment and reformation of the sector to the Commission.
f- Supporting greater presence and partnership of non-governmental sector in development of postal, telecommunications and information technology activities and continuous supervision over their proper exercise.
g- Proposing amendment to the postal, telecommunications and communications regulations, to the legal competent authorities.
10- All duties and powers of the ICT stipulated in the “Usage of Private and Non-professional (Amateur) wireless Act”, passed in the year 1345 (1967) and its subsequent amendments, as well as all related international commitments that in accordance with the law, the I.R of Iran is bound to abide by.
11- To conduct research and provide relevant specialized training courses and publicize information concerning authorized radio communications services using the capabilities of the governmental and non-governmental sectors.
12- To draw up and publish periodical report regarding the status and quality of rendering telecommunications, postal and information technology services throughout the country, together with regional and international comparative assessment.
13- To support industries owners, associations and syndicates providing communications and telecommunications services and guiding them.
14- To perform all related affairs which are referred to the CRA by the MICT, complying with related rules and regulations.
15- Representing, membership and attendance in related international and regional assemblies and unions in order to safeguard national interests in the framework of general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, complying with relevant rules and regulations.
16- In order to enforce provision 10, article 68 of the law of "Management of the Country Services," and to absorb and keep appropriate human resources for professional and managerial positions, the CRA can pay necessary allowances by the coordination with the Vice-Presidency for Human Resource and Management Development, complying with related rules and regulations, after being passed by Council of Ministers.
Article 7- The president of the CRA, who is also deputy Minister of ICT and Secretary of the Commission is assigned by the Minister and is the Chief Executive Officer of the CRA.
Article 8- The Duties and powers of the president of the CRA are as follows:
1- Making necessary arrangements for implementation of the approvals and decisions taken by the Commission.
2- Performing all administrative, financial, employment and executive affairs of the CRA, within the framework of this Articles of Associations and relevant laws and regulations.
3- Codification and proposing regulations and rules to the Commission and preparation of the agenda and notifying the approvals.
4- Planning, guidance and keeping control on the CRA activities and drawing up budget to be proposed to the Vice Presidency for Planning and Strategic Control Affaires and its implementation.
5- Supervision over good performance of the activities stipulated in the Article of Association and related rules and regulations.
6- Issuance of employment decrees and respective mandates for the staff of the CRA.
7- Representing the CRA at judicial and non-judicial authorities with the rights of attorney appointment and substitution, referral of cases to arbitration, offering proposals for amicably dispute settlement, with due observance of the Principle 139 of the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran.