Meeting between Regulatory Authorities of I.R. of Iran and Russian Federation Was Held on 23 July 2023
During his journey to Tehran, the Head of the regulatory authority of the Russian Federation met the President of the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of I.R. Iran.
According to the Public Relations Department of the CRA, Head of the regulatory authority of the Russian Federation journeyed to Tehran in order to meet the President of CRA, Dr. Amir Mohammadzadeh Lajevardi.
During their joint meeting, the two sides shared their experiences on spectrum management and decided to continue cooperating on transferring their knowledge in this field.
In this meeting, the Head of the regulatory authority of the Russian Federation called for mutual cooperation in International forums including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in areas such as frequency allocation.
In the continuation of the meeting, Iranian businesses presented their capabilities in ICT-related subjects.